Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 5 Port Macquarie to Lismore

1991 kms, 19 degrees C.

After leaving Port Macquarie we headed up to South West Rocks for coffee and a local groovy Saturday market. Stuart bought a beanie but might not need it as the weather was definitely getting warmer – the jumpers came off.
Lunch was at Coffs Harbour, by the water. We made the obligatory trip to the Big Banana. Australia is a land or extremes, most of it wonderful, but the “big” series is extremely tacky.

First first “big” was the Banana – there are now dozens of large, paper mache replicas of something local. When in Rome...


Michelle said...

Greetings Grumpy Bear and Nicky!! It may be warm in Port Macquarie - but positively tropical in East Anglia @ 23C! Nick and I both booked in Palm City Darwin in August and my troopy campervan ready for collection early a.m. 11th Aug!! (plenty of room for Nicky if she needs to escape..). Safe journeying on North XXXXXXXXX

Ravi said...

Hi Intrepid voyagers

Nicky looks so relaxed and happy that she has finally found a big banana after all these years with Stuey (aka little banana)- you go girl!
Big Ravi

Stuart Riley said...

Hi followers - glad to hear that East Anglia is fine! Have to say that tent has been fully tested on Fraser Island in the pissing rain. It was an awesome feeling as the rain crashed down - but we remained calm and dry. Infact even Grumpy bear remained quiet - all in all an impressive performance. Now for some luxury on Wilson Island. Nx