Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 4 Hunter, Port Stevens, Port Macquarie

1517 kms, 17 degrees C.

Departure from the Hunter was bright and early and we made our way to Nelson Bay, Port Stevens for a date with a couple of humpback whale aboard the Moonshadow. It was a cloudless winter day, 3m swell with 2m waves on top. There was plenty of demand for little paper bags, but not from your intrepid reporters! We followed the coast and found a fully grown 18m, 50T whale and followed him North, on part of his migration to warmer climes and mating season. We were lucky enough to have a juvenile surface right by the boat.

Next we travelled North up to Port Macquarie to stay with Doug and Lynn Thomson, better known to us as Stupot’s mum and dad. They were very generous with food, lodge and lots of juicy gossip and photos of their little boy!!

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