Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 58 Maguk/Cooinda, Kakadu NP - 5 Aug 2009

9473kms, 34 degrees C

Today was a day for going over our tracks, but this time with John and Mimi. First stop from Jabiru was South back to Maguk. There is one walk marked at Maguk, to the main pool, but we noticed a guided tour take another path to the upper pools and falls. We went up and had a ball – check out Mimi!! We then dropped down to check out the main pool – Stuart took his mask and snorkel and the place was full of turtles and black bream. And we saw a Rainbow Pitta.

After an ample lunch of pizza (with emu, buffalo and croc) we returned to Yellow Waters to redo the cruise, but this time in the middle of the day. Once again it was awesome – more crocs, less birdlife. At one point three crocs were fighting for the same patch of muddy crappy bank. And the little one won!

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