Stuart went to NZ for Easter, to see the guys and to meet nephew Joe. What a cutie - Easter was just before Joe's first birthday. Saturday had fine weather, so we were able to play out on on the dick (er deck as the kiwis pronouce it!!).
The deck racing was event filled, with the bike winning some of the time, skillfully riden by William (watch those legs going for it), and Joe wisely opting for the easier route of getting Dad or Uncle Stuke to push him up and down the "dick".
Will is still a little bit interested in Thomas the Tank Engine. And thats an understatement!
And the last video clip has all sorts, including grey hair from the younger brother!!! A big boys lunch was great fun or Uncle Stuke. And Uncle Stuke is particularly keen to note that William has a good musical ear - listen to him singing along to the Thomas tune, and gets the high note at the end band in time with the video, which he has probably watched a million times before.