We have now had a 31 day spell with all but one in a tent, and that was because there were no tent sites available on our first night in Karumba, so we had a villa instead. A month under canvass – and we are going OK. That problem is not the tent, it is the facilities on the site, if any. Sometimes the loos and showers leave a bit to be desired – or at times when bush camping they are non-existent!! We had no such problems in Mataranka – Dan’s recommendation was spot on and the campsite is great.
We had an 8km bush walk to Mataranka Falls and the highlight was the Bowerbird. We had seen a few Bowers but none with the bird at home. A Bowerbird creates an elaborate nest, decorated with “bling”, in this case shells, to attract a mate. Nicky is keen that I take note of this strategy in future!